Social partners
The principle of social partnership in secondary vocational education is one of the most important forms of organisation introduced into education. Social partners play an invaluable role in the development, assessment and certification of vocational competencies and qualifications at all levels of education. Social partnership ensures quality of education and also generates an efficient labour market, which is both reflected in, and shaped by, the vocational competencies that candidates involved in the education process acquire.
Chamber of Commerce and Small Business of Slovenia
The Chamber acts and communicates with the public to support and promote traditional values among its members: hard work, effort, tenacity, honesty, honour, ethics, quality and excellence, knowledge and innovation. It advocates preserving the tradition and unique qualities of small businesses.
Tradesmen and businessmen are important agents of economic development in Slovenia and an important indicator of small business workforce needs. The demands of small businesses for a highly qualified and high-quality workforce grow from day to day, which is why trade qualifications need to reflect the demands of the economy. The Chamber members, in their roles as educators in on-the-job training and also potential employers, are actively involved in secondary vocational education as well as in the introduction of apprenticeships, which have in turn amplified the significance of social partnership. The FE is an indicator of the vocational competencies of future candidates. The active role of representatives of the Chamber in the FE is of crucial importance, as the FE helps identify new workforce potential in crafts and small businesses.
Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia
The Chamber is one of the most influential business organisations in Slovenia. It is a key player on the national level in the areas of adult education, lifelong learning and vocational education and training. The Chamber offers information and consulting services in career guidance to young people as well as offering various types of support and assistance to companies. One of the support activities it provides is professional assistance to companies in the introduction and implementation of apprenticeships and the implementation of on-the-job training of students in companies. The Chamber does not only closely work with companies but also schools offering apprenticeships and on-the-job training in Slovenia. All of its activities are focused on guiding young people toward choosing educational and vocational qualifications that will lead to a bright future. The hope is that during schooling young people will achieve the key knowledge, skills and competencies they need. As early as the FE phase, school students would be able to demonstrate solid theoretical and practical knowledge that could help them achieve their personal and career goals later in life. This, inevitably, has a positive impact on favourable economic growth and ensuring a stimulating business environment.
Slovenian Chamber of Commerce
Members of the Chamber – representatives of employers – have been actively involved in the FE in secondary schools offering commercial qualifications for a number of years.
Similar to the European Union, Slovenian data also point to the vital role occupied by commerce within the national economy: trade creates over a third of all income from sales and this sector ranks as one of the most important employers nationally. The Chamber is all too aware that it is crucial for the flourishing of the economy that people in education are equipped with suitable competences for the occupations of today and tomorrow. It believes that the role the Chamber representatives play in the FE is of the utmost importance, which is only underlined by their annual reports, which estimate that their presence contributes to a higher quality of FE, providing both incentives for candidates and employers, who are in prime position to monitor future employees, their competences and their readiness for work.
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