At the end of KS2 and KS3, SATs are taken in a single sitting, as a rule in May.
Year 6 pupils take SAT papers in:
- Slovene or, in ethnically mixed areas, Hungarian or Italian,
- a foreign language (English or German),
- Mathematics.
Year 9 pupils take SAT papers in:
- Slovene or, in ethnically mixed areas, Hungarian or Italian,
- Mathematics,
- a third subject determined each year by the Minister; the subject has to be one of the compulsory subjects in Years 8 and 9 (Art, Biology, Chemistry, Citizenship and Ethics, Design and Technology, English, Geography, German, History, Music, Physics and Sports).
Pupils who attend programmes of lower educational standards take SAT papers at the end of KS3 in:
- Slovene or, in ethnically mixed areas, Hungarian or Italian,
- Mathematics,
- a third subject determined each year by the Minister (Sciences or Social Sciences).
Pupils from the above-mentioned programme can choose to take SATs at the end of KS2 (Year 6) in:
- Slovene or, in ethnically mixed areas, Hungarian or Italian,
- Mathematics.
Protection of pupils’ rights – access to scripts and review of achievements
Schools, pupils and their parents can access marked scripts and reviews of achievements on the website of the Centre on the day determined by the Key Dates Calendar for SATs (the Centre) and detailed instructions on the Key Dates Calendar for Primary Schools (Ministry of Education). Pupils access the website with their test code and their personal identification number. Schools also offer access to scripts electronically. If after accessing their scripts, pupils or parents have doubts regarding the quality of marking or find inconsistencies in awarding marks, they can submit a request for a review. A request for a review of achievements is a request for a re-mark of a test to see whether or not the tasks were marked in accordance with the marking scheme. Re-marking is carried out by chief examiners and/or their assistants – they mark the tasks again and change the marks, if/when required. After re-marking, the sum of a pupil’s marks can be lower, higher or unchanged. Within the deadline determined by the Key Dates Calendar for SATs, the Centre sends any adjusted results to schools.
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1000 Ljubljana
tel: 01 548 46 00
fax: 01 548 46 01
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