Who is who
Written exams for first, second (for an explanation of ‘second’, see the section Compulsory and optional parts) and third subjects are set by the Centre, while exams from all other second and fourth subjects are set by schools (more information on VM subjects can be found on the website of the National Institute for Vocational Education and Training. Click here).
The Centre
The Centre carries out expert, research, organisational and other activities and services relating to the VM, and performs other tasks as defined by the Matura Examination Act and regulations. It also nominates the chair and members of national exam committees to the National Committee for approval.
Other bodies with responsibilities for the VM are:
- the National Committee for the Vocational Matura (NC),
- national exam committees for the Vocational Matura (NECs),
- school-based exam offices for the Vocational Matura and
- school-based assessment boards for the Vocational Matura.
National Committee for the Vocational Matura
The National Committee discusses issues relating to the Vocational Matura and oversees its administration. Its composition, jurisdictions and tasks are determined by the Matura Examination Act as well as other legal documents. The National Committee works closely with national exam committees and the Centre.
National exam committees for the Vocational Matura
National exam committees are appointed for individual general education subjects and a certain number of second subjects. Their members discuss topics from their subject area and set examination materials for the written parts of the exam, proposals for grade boundaries, subject and exam specifications, and other materials related to examinations. Their composition, jurisdiction and tasks are determined by the Matura Examination Act. National exam committees work closely with the National Committee and the Centre.
Exam offices for the Vocational Matura
Exam offices are responsible for the administration of the VM in schools and perform tasks in accordance with the regulations. They work closely with the Centre and the National Committee.
Assessment boards for the Vocational Matura
Assessment boards carry out oral exams in first, second and third subjects, and exams in the fourth subject in accordance with the regulations and instructions from exam offices.
* The Centre sets written exams in 13 second subjects: Business, Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, Food Science and Nutrition and Hospitality, Food Science and Nutrition and Tourism with Entrepreneurship, Health Care, Logistics, Mechanical Engineering, Mechatronic Engineering, Media and Graphic Design, Pharmacy Services, Pre-school Practice, and Skin Care.
Državni izpitni center
Kajuhova ulica 32 U
1000 Ljubljana
tel: 01 548 46 00
fax: 01 548 46 01
Where we are