The exam venues where candidates sat the exam inform them of their results. Candidates, however, can also access their results online using the exam code that they received when sitting the written part of the exam.
Grading scale:
59% and below …………… Fail
60–74% …………… Pass (Good)
75–89% …………… Pass (Very Good)
90–100% …………… Pass (Excellent)
In order to pass the exam, candidates must achieve at least 50% in both parts of the exam, written and oral, and must achieve at least 60% of all marks for the overall grade. Candidates are also informed about the marks they received for each part of the exam.
Candidates who pass the exam are awarded a publicly recognised certificate. The Centre prints out certificates and sends them to exam venues who then deliver them to candidates.
Državni izpitni center
Kajuhova ulica 32 U
1000 Ljubljana
tel: 01 548 46 00
fax: 01 548 46 01
Where we are