General information
The National Examinations Centre (the Centre) is the national body responsible for setting and awarding qualifications at primary and secondary education levels as well as in adult education.
The Centre was set up to develop valid, reliable, fair, efficient and transparent procedures for the assessment of knowledge, i.e. effective examination systems in primary, secondary and adult education.
Brief history
The Centre was established in 1993 by the Slovene government as the national awarding body responsible for the external assessment of pupils, apprentices, students and adults. One of its first tasks was to compile specifications for, and to administer, the Matura exam, a school leaving qualification enabling candidates to enrol in Slovene universities. Apart from tasks linked to setting and awarding the Matura, the Centre assumed responsibility for the research and development of assessment, thus becoming the central organisation for external assessment in Slovenia. In 1995, it successfully administered the first Matura for all candidates choosing to complete secondary education with this type of school leaving exam.
Since 1995, the Centre has focused on improving the procedures involved in the setting and awarding of the Matura. Between 1997 and 2005, the Centre was responsible for the administration of Standard Assessment Tests in eight-year primary education.
In 2000, the Centre began providing expert and technical support to the National Examination Committee for the Administration of the Practical Part of the Final Exam in Dual Education. A year later, for the first time, the Centre set and administered foreign language exams for adults and became involved in the assessment and certification of national vocational qualifications.
2002 saw the implementation of two large-scale projects: the introduction of the Vocational Matura exam for students and adults as well as Standard Assessment Tests in nine-year primary education.
Since 2003, the Centre has taken part in various projects funded by the Ministry of Education and the European Social Fund.
Državni izpitni center
Kajuhova ulica 32 U
1000 Ljubljana
tel: 01 548 46 00
fax: 01 548 46 01
Where we are