Who is who

The Centre

The Centre offers professional assistance and technical and administrative support to the National Committee. Among other things, it prepares and monitors statistics of students’ achievements at the end of education based on its own web application and methodology. The Centre is involved in the preparation of the interim and annual reports on the Final Exam.

Other bodies with responsibilities for the FE are:

  • the National Committee for the Final Exam (NC),
  • school-based exam offices for the Final Exam,

school-based assessment boards for the Final Exam.

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National Committee for the Final Exam

The National Committee coordinates and monitors the administration of the FE, appoints members of exam offices and assessment boards from the ranks of employers, and accepts the interim and annual reports on the Final Exam.

Exam offices for the Final Exam

At school level, the FE is administered by exam offices appointed by head teachers. Each exam office consists of a chair (ether the head teacher or, in organisations for adult education, the head of adult education), a vice chair and at least three members. One of the members can be from the ranks of employers from the list approved by the National Committee. In cooperation with chambers and employers, exam offices determine locations for the practical exams. The term of office of an exam office is one academic year. Administrative work for the exam office is performed by an exam officer.

Assessment boards for the Final Exam

Assessment boards are set up by head teachers to perform oral exams and defences. If necessary, more than one assessment board can be set up. Each assessment board consists of a chair, an assessor and no more than two members. The member who acts as the representative of the employers is appointed from the list approved by the National Committee. An assessment board is operational if at least three of its members are present, i.e. the chair, an assessor and at least one member. The term of office of an assessment board is one academic year.