International cooperation
The Centre has cooperated with the following examination centres:
University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate (UCLES) – Cambridge, Great Britain
SIEC – Paris, France
International Baccalaureate Organisation, Curriculum and Assessment Centre – Cardiff, Wales
New Zealand Qualifications Authority – Wellington, New Zealand
Scotish Qualification Authority – Glasgow, Scotland
CITO – Arnhem, the Netherlands
National Centre for External Assessment in Education – Zagreb, Croatia
Centar za istraživanje – Belgrade, Serbia
Agency for Standards and Assessment in Education – Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Office for Education Development – Department for Assessment of the Republic of North Macedonia, Skopje
National Examination Centre – Vilnius, Lithuania
and international organisations:
Council of Europe
International Association for Educational Assessment (IAEA)
Association for Educational Assessment Europe (AEA)
European Centre for Modern Languages of the Council of Europe (ECML)
Between 2001 and 2002, the Centre acted as national coordinator for the international JONAS project, in which Slovenia worked with the Netherlands, the Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland. The project was financed by the European Union and sought to define the role of various systems of external assessments (from external examinations, national assessment, inspectorate and international surveys to school self-assessment) in providing a high-level quality of education.
In 2010, the Centre, in a consortium of four partners, won the tender for an IPA project that was carried out in Serbia. The duration of the project, entirely financed by the European Union, was three years (September 2010 to December 2013) and focused on support for ensuring a high-quality examination system in primary and secondary education in Serbia.
In 2011, the Centre was authorised to carry out a Twinning project in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The project was designed with a view to assist and support the Agency for Pre-primary, Primary and Secondary Education in setting up an operational system of institutions to ensure high-quality education in Bosna and Herzegovina. The project ran from 2012 to 2013.
From April 2019 to December 2022, the Centre took part in the Improving the Quality of Education by Introducing Examinations at the End of Secondary Education project, which was carried out in Serbia. The work included the drawing up of a framework analysis (a review of the current situation in institutions and educational polices); the conducting of a comparative analysis of institutions responsible for the Matura exam and the setting up of the Matura exam in five EU member states; the development of recommendations for an organisational model for the Matura exam in Serbia; the organisation of a peer-learning event with representatives of five EU member states and the organisation of a study visit; the preparation of a feasibility study with a cost-effectiveness analysis, as well as the development of the final version of the concept of the Matura exam with revision of the rules and regulations.
Državni izpitni center
Kajuhova ulica 32 U
1000 Ljubljana
tel: 01 548 46 00
fax: 01 548 46 01
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