General information
All over Europe and around the world, various models for assessment and certification of knowledge acquired outside formal learning environments are being developed. Due to rapid technological development, there is a constant need for new knowledge and skills in an increasingly competitive labour market. It is difficult for the education system to keep up with the pace of these extraordinarily rapid changes and this is why the procedures for the assessment and certification of non-formally acquired knowledge are becoming increasingly important.
In Slovenia, the recognition of non-formally acquired knowledge was made possible by the National Vocational Qualifications Act, which came into force in 2000, giving the Centre its first responsibilities in the area of assessment and certification of national vocational qualifications (NVQs).
Legal basis for NVQs
The National Vocational Qualifications Act contains regulations for:
- procedures required, and institutions responsible, for the development of standards and catalogues of standards of professional knowledge and skills;
- conditions and procedures for the assessment and certification, i.e. acquisition of an NVQ.
The Act is supported by:
- the Rules on the Composition of Assessment Boards for Assessment and Certification of National Vocational Qualifications and on the Methods and Procedures for Issuing and Revoking Licences
- the Rules on the Methods and Procedures for Certification of National Vocational Qualifications
- the Rules on Keeping the Register of Providers of Assessment and Certification of National Vocational Qualifications
- the Rules on the Public Document of National Vocational Qualifications – Certificates and Duplicates
- the Rules on Permanent Professional Training of Members of Assessment Boards for Assessment and Certification of National Vocational Qualifications
Institutional framework
Institutions responsible for the area of NVQs are:
- the Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities
- the National Reference Point for Occupational Qualifications within the Institute of the Republic of Slovenia for Vocational Education and Training
- the Slovenian Institute for Adult Education
- the Centre
Responsibilities of the Centre in the area of NVQs
In the area of NVQs, the Centre is responsible for the following tasks (as determined by the legislation):
- the development of methodologies and procedures for the assessment and certification of NVQs;
- the training of applicants to be members of assessment boards;
- the monitoring and assessment of the implementation of training programmes for applicants to be members of assessment boards, and advising the relevant National Council for Education on initiatives for improvement;
- the development of tasks and items for the assessment and certification of NVQs;
- the development of the network of organisations for the assessment and certification of NVQs;
- keeping the register of accredited providers of assessment and certification of NVQs;
- issuing licences to members of assessment boards;
- keeping the registers for which it is legally responsible;
- monitoring of assessment boards’ activities;
- reporting to the Minister at least once per year;
- performance of other tasks determined by acts, rules and regulations.
Legal obligations can be split into three groups of activities aimed at establishing valid, reliable, fair, efficient and transparent procedures for the assessment and certification of NVQs.
- The development of methodologies and procedures for the assessment and certification of NVQs with which the external character of assessment and certification of NVQs are guaranteed, thus minimising subjective decision making by members of assessment boards in the assessment and measurement of vocational competencies.
Through NVQ sample groups, the Centre develops common criteria of assessment and certification of vocational competencies, while also coordinating the development of instructions for the assessment and certification of NVQs and of a substantial number of tasks and items for the assessment and certification of NVQs, with clearly defined criteria.
Guided by examples from abroad, the Centre has formulated a code of conduct for members of assessment boards to ensure the fair assessment and certification of NVQs. The Centre cultivates good personal and business relations, and is keen to develop a professional, but at the same time friendly and respectful, attitude towards candidates and build the reputation and validity of assessment and certification of NVQs.
- The certification of members of assessment boards: The Centre organises meetings, consultations and further training of members of assessment boards in the following areas: procedures and establishing common criteria and the development of question banks.
- The establishment of a network of organisations for the assessment and certification of an NVQ includes issuing licences to members of assessment boards; entering of, and keeping, providers in the register of accredited providers; appointment of assessment boards, and keeping registers for which it is legally responsible.
To carry out activities in the area of establishing a network of organisations for the assessment and certification of an NVQ, the Centre uses the National Reference Point for Occupational Qualifications – Slovenia (
Above all, the Centre wishes to develop trust in the NVQ system, and uphold the validity and reliability of issued certificates, thus providing future certificate holders with public documents that will ease mobility and job opportunities in Slovenia and the EU.
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Kajuhova ulica 32 U
1000 Ljubljana
tel: 01 548 46 00
fax: 01 548 46 01
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